[openbox] Windows in The GIMP behaving badly.

Jim Rees rees at umich.edu
Sun Apr 14 11:09:05 EDT 2013

52midnight wrote:

  I've just started using gimp-2.6.12-r5 in LXDE on Gentoo and am having
  trouble with the windows of The GIMP. The Toolbox and Layerbox windows
  always stay on top, the working window is always on the bottom, using the
  window context menus to shift layers doesn't work, and I've changed the
  settings in ~/.gimp-2.6/gimprc without effect:

I'm running gimp 2.8 and it does the same thing. I assumed this was gimp
trying to be clever rather than anything openbox was doing. Does it behave
differently with other window managers?

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