[openbox] Upgraded to openbox 3.5 - strange behaviour with shortcut to open terminal?

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Sat Sep 29 12:22:21 EDT 2012

Pedro> I just checked and that is the case - when an application opens a
Pedro> new window in the same process, the windows is not focused.

Pedro> I guess this is a bug? Should it be reported?

Brian> This issue finally bothered me enough to at least craft a
Brian> workaround.  (I open a lot of browser windows via a keybinding,
Brian> and both firefox and chrome launch new windows from the old
Brian> process and thus were not being focused).  The attached patch
Brian> will track the last time an 'execute' action occurs.  If a window
Brian> appears within a second of that, then it is allowed to steal
Brian> focus.

This is not happening to me, and I run 3.5 too.  Why?  Maybe the theme
plays a part?

Ian Zimmerman
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