[openbox] keyboard issues.

Alain Bertrand alainbe at free.fr
Thu Nov 15 16:55:28 EST 2012

Hi all,

I am a quite l old user of openbox that I started to use when blackbox 
stopped being developped. I use it with a french keyboard and ibus/anthy 
running for Japanese input on ubuntu/ linuxmint system.
Maybe 2-3 years ago, I noticed that some composition keys don't work as 
they should with kde applications, which prevents me from getting an î. 
gtk based app works well.
Shutting down ibus solves the problem but is not an option because I 
write a lot of Japanese.

If I log into  a cinnamon session on linuxmint, everything is fine but 
cinnamon is a cpu hog and I can't afford it on my box especially for 
features I don't need. The same problem appears with Windowmaker of XFCE 
so it is not an openbox problem per se.
The problem doesn't appear on my netbook with Suse.

I have also noticed that under openbox, the french keyboard variant I 
use is not the one I have specified in cinnamon settings.

So, what could I do in the initiation of openbox to resolve these little 
issues ?



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