[openbox] Using screen size in key bindings

John Eikenberry jae at zhar.net
Thu Mar 12 16:04:15 EDT 2009

John wrote:

> Mikael Magnusson wrote:
>>> I want the same thing, but some people cope by replacing openbox with a
>>> script that first computes an rc.xml and then starts openbox.
> Yes, I've read that and I think that I will do that. Do you know if  
> there is a better way of determining screen size than using a  
> combination of xwininfo, grep and awk ( as in xwininfo -root | grep  
> Height | awk '{print $2}' ) ?

xrandr | awk '/\*/ {print $1}'| IFS=x read width height


John Eikenberry
[jae at zhar.net - http://zhar.net]
[PGP public key @ http://zhar.net/jae_at_zhar_net.gpg]
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 can be removed." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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