[openbox] Having transparency "issues"

Myles Green rmg57 at telus.net
Mon Jun 30 07:20:13 EDT 2008

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:23:22 +0200
Bartosz Oudekerk <bartosz-openbox at unreachablehost.net> wrote:

>Myles Green wrote on 28/06/2008 16:44 -0600:
>> >
>> >To see if it's application/type specific I also tried roxterm and
>> >that did not work, but aterm transparency does work. Weird.
>IIRC, aterms transparency isn't real transparency. Can you actually see
>other windows behind it, or just the background?
>If the latter, than you have, contrary to your conclusion, *not*
>established if transparency works or not.

Dude, those are _not_ my words, you've attributed a statement made by
someone else to me. 

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