focus followMouse issues with vmware

Mike Hokenson openbox at
Fri Apr 4 14:56:22 EDT 2008

Hi list,

I'm not sure if anyone here is a vmware user, but I just noticed that if
you're using followMouse and attempt to focus a window that's sitting on
top of the vmware guest OS window, it won't get the focus.

Forgive the crude ascii art -

  | win |--+
  +-----+  |
    |  vm  |

My testcase is running Windows XP with the vmware tools that give you
the ability to focus in and out by moving the window to the edge, maybe
that's got something to do with it..

I just checked this in sawfish and there were no problems. Maybe there's
a few X events running in close succession and one is being missed?

Not sure if it's related, but I've been seeing focus issues off and on
for the last few months, maybe longer, where a quick motion between a
few windows (sometimes following a keyboard action, like taking mplayer
out of fullscreen) has resulted in an unfocused window where the
pointer is.



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