[openbox] planet openbox

David Barr david at chalkskeletons.com
Tue Mar 14 14:22:42 EST 2006

On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 07:48 -0600, Brandon Cash wrote:
> > it is a universally accepted FACT that all projects need a planet, i
> > will go into why later.
> I don't know what a "planet" is, but I'm assuming it's just a collection 
> of articles/blog postings/whatever else one can think of about openbox?
> > 
> > it is also true, that a planet without people (or robots) is a pretty
> > boring place, unless you are a geologist, or whatever, but then if you
> > were there to 'geologise' or whatever then you would be people, so i
> > think Heidegger had a point about that, Dasein, i believe? well i don't
> > know...
> I'm not sure what drugs inspired this paragraph, but you may want to 
> stop using them. :)
> > 
> > i think i got a little off canter there, so look, everyone on this list
> > has at least a passing interest in openbox, it is now you must stand up
> > a be counted. So if you happen to be some awesome person who maintains,
> > obmenu, obconf or just some dork who makes themes or whatever then you
> > people must have a muse, a muse that must be given a voice! i say this
> > to you, blogs are stupid, there are too many of them, no one cares that
> > your aunt's pet died, hang on.
> Those on this list are few, while openbox followers are.. less-few.  So 
> if this were to go anywhere, you'd need to appeal to the entire openbox 
> audience, which would mean support from Mikachu to use the page.
well mikachu is sort of on board, insofar as he is not morally opposed
to it. but not so far as he wants to participate, he did mention, unless
i dreamt it, that planet.openbox.org is a possibility, after the whole
domain thing is sorted out, of course.

> > 
> > So "why even bother?" i hear you ask, or frantically type. Well, i think
> > a planet will be an excellent way to build a community, a strong
> > community means more interest and a greater will to get involved, that
> > is my opinion anyway. I think openbox is a nifty little thing, i'd like
> > to see more people pay attention to it, i'd like people to feel as
> > though they are a little part of it. 
> Anything that gets more people working on it is something I'll endorse.


> > 
> > so anyway tim riley has been awesome as ever and together we hope to
> > have this donkey on the way to the beach, asap.
> Why would a donkey need to go to the beach?  I'm not sure what kind of 
> workings actually go into creating a 'planet,' but if you require any 
> PHP or XHTML assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

it's actually python, my main problem is with installing the planet
modules/extensions for it to run, obviously i can do it locally, but on
a server it seems troublesome, tim has come to the rescue like some
super musclebound hero. i need to 'action' the thing though...

> > 
> > so i say this: if you have some kind of 'online publishing' thing going
> > on that you mention openbox in, or if you just happen to wonder how easy
> > it is to set up word press, or you have submitted a patch or you want to
> > just basically, i really don't care you had to have your horse put down,
> > i don't care if you think your mother doesn't understand your
> > 'creativeness', but i do care if you wrote a neat patch for openbox or
> > similar and i think other will care too, join our club; you don't get a
> > key fob.
> > 
> > if you want your feed including email me (on or off list) and i will
> > make everything good, by hook or by crook.
> This sentence didn't make much sense to me, but I'm assuming that you 
> just want a collection of RSS feeds?

basically, yes :)

> > 
> > watch the skies for pies
> I'll do just that.

keep your eyes peeled

> Brandon Cash
> (Probably better known as cai)


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