
Matteo Guglielmi matteoguglielmi at yahoo.it
Sat Nov 19 13:01:26 EST 2005

Thought would be nice to have a little window, showing
the name of the current workspace, while I'm changing

Is this feature implemented in OB3?


| Address ----------------------------> Matteo Guglielmi  |
|                                       EPFL-SB-ISIC-LCBC |
| Ecole Polytechnique                   BCH 4201          |
| Federale de Lausanne                  CH-1015 Lausanne  |
|                                                         |
| Phone   --> +41-(0)21-693-0327               _____      |
| Fax     --> +41-(0)21-693-0320               |   |      |
| Mobile1 --> +41-(0)76-5245216               -------     |
| Mobile2 --> +39-340-2751607                   0-0       |
| Web     --> http://lcbcpc21.epfl.ch            c        |
| EMail1  --> matteo.guglielmi at epfl.ch  +--o00o-----o00o--+
| EMail2  --> mguglielmi at ieee.org       |ICanSeeClearlyNow|
| ICQ     --> #166904425                |...TheBrainIsGone|

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