'Arrange Windows' feature suggestions

Clay Barnes clay.barnes at gmail.com
Thu May 26 18:03:39 EDT 2005

I would like to humbly  suggest a feature for the next release of
OpenBox.  Many window managers, including at least one other *box
(FluxBox) support an auto-arrange windows feature, which (in case the
exact mechanism is unclear) automatically resizes and moves the windows
in the active workspace to fill the screen.

So far this is the only feature which feels missing in OpenBox.
Excellent work!  OB is the most refined WM I've used so far (fast,
light, and feature-rich, without overlap with other projects).

If I have sent this to the wrong listserv, please let me know!  I hate
to waste people's time.  The site seemed to indicate this was it, though.


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