[openbox] DockApps at Startup

tim hall tech at glastonburymusic.org.uk
Fri Jun 25 09:42:36 EDT 2004

Last Friday 25 June 2004 09:07, M.Zdila/EpiSoftware Slovakia Ltd. was like:
> I am using KDM and it uses ~/.xinitrc if I choose "default" as window
> manager (or what is it called like).

Ah^h^ha, thankyou, I feel enlightenment[*] approaching fast.

Last Friday 25 June 2004 10:33, Holly Bostick was like:
> 2. Edit the chosen desktop file to reflect Openbox. Meaning, change the
> "name" and "description" fields and change the "Application" field to
> the name of a script that we will shortly create (mine is called
> "openboxstart.sh").

So you could simply point this at your .xinitrc?
Then you'd be able to get  to the same place wherever you were.


tim hall
[* no, not that dysfunctional heap of eye-candy ;-]

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