Problems keybinding the menu in beta1?

Chris Anderson chris at
Sat Sep 6 23:57:28 EDT 2003

In Alphas 1-8 I used the following keybinding to show the root menu
whenever I pressed Super_L (of course the menu name as changed over

	<keybind key="Super_L">
		<action name="ShowMenu"><menu>root-menu></menu></action>

1) I checked `xev` for all the keys I've tried
2) root-menu is defined in menu.xml and is used by another (working)
binding (see below).

However, I've noticed that in beta1 this no longer works. In fact, no
matter what I bind that action to (I've tried A-z and C-A-z as well) it
still doesn't show my root-menu. My right click for the mouse is bound
to the exact same action and it works fine, so frankly I'm stumped. Can
anyone figure out if anything is wrong if the bind is incorrect? If not
I'll report a bug.


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