[openbox] Do I NEED an external panel app?

David Barr dpb at clara.co.uk
Sat Sep 6 18:53:34 EDT 2003

Dugan Chen wrote:

> When I minimize a window, it disappears, and I seem to need an 
> external panel app (Kicker, Gnome-Panel, Rox-Filer, Fbpanel...) to see 
> it.
> Do I actually need to use a panel/task manager, or is this 
> functionality contained in OpenBox and I'm just missing it? If I 
> minimize a window when I'm not running a panel, then the window seems 
> to disappear and I don't know how to find it again.

well you could use the client menu, which i believe to be defaulted to 
right click *and* in the root menu under 'desktops' or whack this puppy 
in your menu.xml:

<menu id="client-list-menu" plugin="client_list_menu" />

or i guess you could alt-tab around :)

did any of that make sense?



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