[openbox] Toggle something after Execute / Ignore Fullscreen

Mikael Magnusson mangosoft at comhem.se
Sat Nov 8 05:16:55 EST 2003

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Mads Martin Joergensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a keybind for BZFlag (best game ever :), normaly it runs in
> fullscreen mode. That has the effect that i cant use any other keybind
> anymore. Sure, thats how it should work says the EWMH/NetWM spec.
> _But_ i want to control e.g. xmms with other keybinds even if BZFlag
> runs in fullscreen. So i thought i run it maximized to the geometry of
> my Desktop (-window --geometry 1280x1024). But then it has ob
> decorations that i dont want. The decos have also the effect that the
> BZFlag window does not fit the desktop anymore.
> So what i search at the moment is a way to start something with Execute
> and turn decorations off afterwards (with one keybinding).

Is it a lot of effort two press two keybinds? one to start the game and 
one to remove decor when it's started.

> With a nested action in a keybind that does not work because the
> ToggleDecorations action uses the currently focused window and not the
> new window from the Exectue action.
> I thought wmctrl might help but that can only change stuff which is in
> _NET_WM_STATE and decorations are windowmanager specific. 
> I need obctrl to change openbox specific stuff from the commandline i
> guess :)
> P.S I know i could start bzflag with -geometry 1280x1020 and live with
> the title bar, or create another keybind to toggle decorations but im
> curious if there is another way.

Mikael Magnusson

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