[openbox] Xinerama and centered windows

Marc Wilson msw at cox.net
Sat Dec 20 23:58:42 EST 2003

On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 10:54:59AM -0500, Kacper Wysocki wrote:
> No matter whether the windows deliberately place themselves in the  
> exact center of the screen, this just doesn't work well for multiscreen  
> setups. But I'm guessing what you're saying is that the applications in  
> question are responsible.

Yeah... look at the properties for some of the windows that are causing you
grief and see if they don't explicitly specify a position.

> I have a strong dislike for under-mouse placement- I _like_ smart  
> window placement, as it does indeed put new windows rather  
> intelligently, but there are a coupe of cases when not being able to  
> predict where the next window will open is a disadvantage.

This is why I do NOT like smart window placement.  No, wait... that's not
right.  I like it just fine, just not in concert with Xinerama.  This is
why I like under-mouse... the window appears where I point.

One of the things I *really* miss about Openbox2 was its "click mouse"
placement method, where the window mapped in move mode, and you drove it to
where you wanted it with the mouse.  That way you're using the screen
real-estate EXACTLY the way you want it.

> I was under  the impression that there existed an X mechanism for
> determining  whether a window is a child of another. Sounds like you're
> saying there  isn't one.

Sure there is.  Child to parent to parent and all the way back to the root
window.  The question is, how far do you want to take it, and what type of
window do you want to apply it to, and what type of window do you NOT want
to apply it to.  Openbox has rules that it uses to determine what to do and
what not to do to a particular window, based on the hints that're set on

 Marc Wilson |     love, n.: When it's growing, you don't mind watering
 msw at cox.net |     it with a few tears.
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