[openbox] Alpha5 released

Ben Jansens ben at orodu.net
Thu Aug 14 11:04:30 EDT 2003

On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 08:45:59AM -0600, Dale K Dicks wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 06:58, Dale K Dicks wrote:
> > >   * Getting rid of non-opaque window move/resize. Instead, add an option -
> > >     drawContents - for if the window's contents are to be updated during a
> > >     resize.
> > 
> > This is a show stopper for me and is why projects like MetaCity suck.
> > So - best of luck in the future unless you plan on putting non-opaque window moves and resizes back in, I won't be using Openbox any longer.
> > 
> Ben,
> Why did you take out non-opaque resizes and moves?

Cuz they either mean grabbing the X server and making all your apps freeze,
or else drawing a window and then making the desktop flash. Just for an
fugly little rectangle.

Perhaps you were not aware, but opaque moving is not slow. Opaque resizing
would not be either, except for the fact that the window yuo are resizing
has to re-layout-and-draw itself so many times. This is what is slow. So
that's why there is the drawContents option.

Now Openbox will look good, but doesn't have to get all slow and jerky
during a resize. And no fugly rectangle, and no freezing your apps, and no
flashing the whole screen. Voila!

> also - there seems to be a bug with the new menu file.  my menu is quite
> large and it failed when i copied into into a separate file unless i cut
> out a whole bunch of entries.  i get nothing when i right-click the
> desktop if i put the entire file in.  i get complete crashes (X
> restarts) if i add back too many entries. 

Can you put this in bugzilla then, and attach the menu that does not work?

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