[openbox] OB3: Menu problems (serious)

Ilkka Pajari ipajari at lut.fi
Sun Aug 10 13:32:59 EDT 2003

Hello again,

you were right, ob3 didn't crash. It was "exit" which was executed when
mouse button was released. If this is a known bug, then it's ok. Btw, I
didn't mean rolling mouse wheel over the menu. Just make "circles" with
your mouse cursor over the menu (so that submenus opens/closes). After a
few circle menu will lock up, but it can be closed by clicking mouse
button on the desktop. For me it's very difficult to explain what I
really mean, but hope you understand me. :) 

  - Ilkka Pajari

On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 17:27, David Barr wrote:
> >
> I'm just guessing here, but if you open the menu where the cursor is 
> forced not to be in the top left of the menu titlebar, ie the bottom of 
> the screen and release it it will open/execute whatever command the 
> cursor happens to be next to, perchance this could be "exit", apparently 
> this is a known bug 'twixt xor and woodblock.
> My menu is about the same size as yours and i can't reproduce the mouse 
> wheel thing, or have really any trouble with it, other than the afore 
> mentioned, and i use menus for everything; also i am using cvs so maybe 
> it is fixed?
> david

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