[openbox] new theme stuff

David Barr dpb at clara.co.uk
Fri Aug 1 07:27:42 EDT 2003

Ben Jansens wrote:

>Hello all,
>This is for all the themers in the house.
>I have just commited some code to CVS that changes how Openbox 3 will look
>for themes. At this point, I think I am forced to declare that Openbox 3
>themes are not backwards compatible with blackbox, and blackbox themes are
>not forward compatible with Openbox (without a little grunt work).
>I have updated the documentation on the site to list all the changes from
>Openbox 2 -> Openbox 3 themes. Hopefully I didn't miss anything important :)
>I am still considering completely revamping the theme file format (XML or
>something). I will, however, get all that stuff out of the way before I
>release a Beta. Converting from a supported Xrdb theme to an XML theme
>should be possible with a script.
>Just thought I would keep themers posted and try generate some interest for
>feedback on the Openbox theme format/engine.
you have chosen some very odd themes! i don't even remember greenz, i 
tried to fix it up a little (attached) as i never finished it, 'blue and 
green should never be seen' my grandmother may have said to me once.  i 
am aware the rest of the files are inwardly a mess too, so sorry :)

thanks, bye


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