[openbox] [nikitin at vnukovo.net: Openbox bug]
Ava Arachne Jarvis
ajar at katanalynx.dyndns.org
Mon Nov 4 16:33:36 EST 2002
[Ben Jansens - Mon, 4 Nov 2002 03:23:27 PM CST]
> Is anyone else able to decipher what this guy is having go wrong..?
> Mozilla is crashing, what?
> Ben
> ----- Forwarded message from Alexey Nikitin <nikitin at vnukovo.net> -----
> File Window.cc, lines 2034, 2035 (you restore premax window geometry):
> blackbox_attrib.premax_w = premax_w;
> blackbox_attrib.premax_h = premax_h;
> After I start Mozilla, it runs with net_wm_state_maximized atoms, and Openbox makes its window
> maximized. It seems to me, premax_x, premax_y, premax_w and premax_h have zero values in
> BlackboxWindow::remaximize method when it's called from a BlackboxWindow constructor --
> so up-clicking "maximize" button can't restore window geometry and Mozilla crashes.
So far as I can determine,
- Mozilla, when first started, runs with a maximized state. Possibly
a setting in Mozilla to turn this on...
- So, Openbox makes the window maximized. Well, good, and
- But since this window never had any pre-maximized state in Openbox,
the pre-maximized ints are set to 0.
- This leads to, when the user attempts to unmaximize Mozilla,
Openbox probably resizing the Mozilla window to 0 by 0 pixels, which
Mozilla really really doesn't like, and so Mozilla goes boom.
> I've made a dirty fix. You'll make something more elegant, though:
> blackbox_attrib.premax_w = premax_w ? premax_w : 780;
> blackbox_attrib.premax_h = premax_h ? premax_h : 580;
His fix just sets arbitrary starting values for the pre-maximized state
if a window starts out maximized in Openbox...
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