[nikitin at vnukovo.net: Openbox bug]

Ben Jansens ben at orodu.net
Mon Nov 4 16:23:21 EST 2002

Is anyone else able to decipher what this guy is having go wrong..?
Mozilla is crashing, what?


----- Forwarded message from Alexey Nikitin <nikitin at vnukovo.net> -----

From: Alexey Nikitin <nikitin at vnukovo.net>
Subject: Openbox bug
To: ben at orodu.net
Delivery-date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 06:17:41 -0600
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=5.0 tests= version=2.20


I discovered a bug in openbox 2.1.2
Sorry, I'm a newbie, I could't make a patch.

File Window.cc, lines 2034, 2035 (you restore premax window geometry):

blackbox_attrib.premax_w = premax_w;
blackbox_attrib.premax_h = premax_h;

After I start Mozilla, it runs with net_wm_state_maximized atoms, and Openbox makes its window
maximized. It seems to me, premax_x, premax_y, premax_w and premax_h have zero values in 
BlackboxWindow::remaximize method when it's called from a BlackboxWindow constructor -- 
so up-clicking "maximize" button can't restore window geometry and Mozilla crashes.

I've made a dirty fix. You'll make something more elegant, though:

blackbox_attrib.premax_w = premax_w ? premax_w : 780;
blackbox_attrib.premax_h = premax_h ? premax_h : 580;

Oh, another thing:

You convert non-english leters in window title into unicode. Fine, but if I use raster KOI-8 fonts, russian 
letters become unreadable. 

Why don't you convert menu items the same way? In this case raster KOI-8 fonts display correctly, but
TTF shows nothing.


Thank you very much for openbox.

Alexey Nikitin (mailto:nikitin at vnukovo.net)    04.11.2002, 14:45

----- End forwarded message -----

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.
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