[openbox] Openbox bootstap (and configuration fails)

Marius Nita marius at cs.pdx.edu
Fri Nov 1 19:00:48 EST 2002

On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 03:55:22PM -0600, Ava Arachne Jarvis wrote:
> [John Eckerdal - Fri,  1 Nov 2002 02:56:51 AM CST]
> > There is one problem remaining though. When otk was finished building it
> > required ../libtool which was not created. Manually creating that symlink
> > lets me compile openbox.
> A library for OpenBox-type graphics?  That's awesome.  If there's one
> thing I always thought was insane about all bbtools is that every little
> tool or app reimplemented (or just included) the graphics code.  (Some
> bbtools only use the old BlackBox 0.50.xx code, even.)

that's the idea. this will go further than just putting the graphics code in a
library however. it will provide high level drawing primitives, like buttons,
labels, text widgets, etc. basically, a very minuscule qt-like thing that
uses the openbox image code to create its pixmaps.

> -- 
> | BOFH excuse #408:
> |
> | Computers under water due to SYN flooding.

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