[openbox] Python for Openbox?

Ava Arachne Jarvis ajar at katanalynx.dyndns.org
Tue Dec 24 00:56:09 EST 2002

[Marius Nita - Mon, 23 Dec 2002 11:35:48 PM CST]
> It's something Ben (xor) has been playing with. Openbox3 will be
> scriptable in one way or another. It won't be done the Sawfish way,
> where only the core primitives are written in C and the rest of the WM
> is done in lisp; openbox will be written in C/C++ and the user will be
> able to script actions--like say, write a python function that gets
> executed on a right click event on the titlebar. you can use the
> scripting API to either shade the window, or move it, or pop a menu,
> or whatever the interface offers.

Okay, I like that approach.  It's all I really want in a scriptable
window manager.

> Another cool thing is that obtools can be written entirely in the
> scripting language.

That would be *very* nice.

> However, none of this is hammered out so don't start dreaming in
> python just yet. It might change/go away/etc. Highly experimental atm.

Alright.  Just saw it and got a bit excited.  :)

| Say no, then negotiate.
| 		-- Helga

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