[Gtkradiant] Question about some of your work on Q3MAP2

Forest Hale lordhavoc at ghdigital.com
Wed Sep 10 18:07:46 CDT 2008

The commercial Q3-based game I'm doing contract work on (IronGrip: Warlord - http://igwarlord.isotx.com ) also uses BSP version 47, but to add surfaceflags to each surface rather than in the texture 
definition, and it has its own copy of GTKRadiant 1.5 and slightly modified q3map2, but most of the mappers use QuArK (GTKRadiant doesn't even allow setting per-surface surface flags, where as QuArK 
does), I hate how version numbers always end up conflicting...

Out of curiosity, what changes are there in the QuakeLive bsp version 47?

Timothee Besset wrote:
> Yes, my latest merge into ZeroRadiant has bumped the BSP version to 47
> which is what we currently use in QuakeLive. Someone needs to provide a
> patch add quake3/quakelive game support so the BSP version is back to 46
> for the Quake3 mode (I believe that's done by passing a -game quake3 /
> -game quakelive switch to q3map2 command line).
> This problem should be handled on the GtkR mailing list or through our
> ticketing system on the site.
> TTimo
> Hellkeeper wrote:
>> Hello Thimotee.
>> I'm a member (well, very minor member) of a team trying to complete a
>> non-commercial game on the GPL'ed Quake 3 engine.
>> Since I'm not important (and since I'm the one who found out your
>> email first), I've been asked to contact you about your work on the
>> Q3MAP2 compiler. I hope you won't hate me for my poor english.
>> Anyway.
>> We (the level designers of the team), have been mapping with Radiant
>> 1.5 (which, I think, has not been supported anymore by id since many,
>> many versions). One of our biggest problem has been the compilation of
>> the maps :  Some of our maps refused to be opened by members of the team.
>> We are using a modified version of ioquake3, itself being a modified
>> version of the Quake 3 engine (can't figure out which idTech it is, so
>> I'll use this name). One of our programmers looked at the sources of
>> the compiler and the engine. We wanted to use ZeroRadiant's Compiler,
>> so as to be able to use a modern version of the software, instead on
>> GTK which is not maintained anymore. He found out that you have
>> changed something in the Q3map2 of ZeroRadiant, and the BSP version
>> attributed to Quake 3 is now 47 and not 46, as it used to be. The
>> problem is that the engine won't open any map containing an incorrect
>> BSP version, and compilation will, of course, not be compatible, which
>> happened to us.
>> http://www.qeradiant.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/log/GtkRadiant/trunk/tools/quake3/q3map2/game_quake3.h?rev=319
>> We may be able to correct it. However, our programmers would like to
>> know why this change has been made. Is it a change that has been made
>> to reflect the modifications to the engine used in Quakelive, as one
>> of us suggested ? Is it a mistake ? If it was intentionnal, then we
>> would like to know why this have been made in order to fully
>> understand (and implement) the change, and report it to the creators
>> of ioquake3 so that they would modify their engine to comply with it ?
>> Thanking you in advance
>> Hellkeeper
>> PS: Our leader also suggested that John Carmack would be integrated to
>> the team if he has nothing else to do in his spare time :p
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Author of DarkPlaces Quake1 engine and mod
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