[Gtkradiant] HDR light

Jay Mattis Jay_Mattis at brown.edu
Thu Sep 4 08:32:33 CDT 2008

Well, you could implement the high range. The dynamic part would obviously
have to be implemented in-engine. The key idea is rendering to a floating
point texture so you're no longer limited to the 0 to 255 range for your RGB
channels. So this just means that the lightmap stage should have an option
that keeps it from clamping color values above 255 and writes each channel
as a float instead of a byte. It might also be a good idea to do some sort
of normalizing for better precision, so that you save the mean for each
channel up front and then only save the deviation from the mean in each
channel as you write the lightmap.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:47 AM, LinuxManMikeC <linuxmanmikec at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:19 AM, Adam Sibson <adamsibson at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > Would it be possible to add an HDR-like light option into the light map
> compile? Would this interest anyone sufficiently to have a go at adding it?
> I think it'd be very popular with mappers.
> > Cheers,
> > ix
> >
> >
> The "D" in HDR stands for "Dynamic".  High Dynamic Range rendering is
> a game engine feature.  The lightmap compilation in q3map2 is a static
> process.  The results of HDR calculations are dependant on the
> location of the viewpoint, which in a game is always changing.  I
> think it might be possible to implement some aspects of HDR into the
> lightmap compilation (is it already there?), but anything done in the
> lightmap stage couldn't compare to true HDR rendering.  I really don't
> know enough on the subject to comment further, so there's my 2 cents.
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