[Gtkradiant] Gtkradiant Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2

Forest Hale lordhavoc at ghdigital.com
Sat Oct 25 06:23:04 CDT 2008

GTKRadiant 1.5 does, I'm not sure about 1.6 (aka ZeroRadiant).

However the quake4 map compiler is a standalone utility, exclusively on Windows, so you may have to use wine...

Mauricio Villamil wrote:
> Hi All,
> Could anyone please let me know if gtk radiant supports editing for Quake4 under linux ?? and if it does so, can you please point me to a tutorial/guide about how to di it ??
> I would like to set this up for our animation students, so they can build their own levels, import animations from Maya etc, but we run on Fedora.
> Thank you for your replies..
> Mauricio Villamil
> Technician Demonstrator -Linux studio-
> Arts Institute at Bournemouth
> MA Digital Effects
> BA(Hons)Computer Visualization & Animation
> BA(Hons)Fine Art -Painting-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gtkradiant-bounces at zerowing.idsoftware.com on behalf of gtkradiant-request at zerowing.idsoftware.com
> Sent: Fri 10/24/2008 3:00 PM
> To: gtkradiant at zerowing.idsoftware.com
> Subject: Gtkradiant Digest, Vol 50, Issue 2
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Quake 1 (Forest Hale)
>    2. Re: Quake 1 ( Mihai Dr?ghicioiu )
>    3. Re: Quake 1 ( Mihai Dr?ghicioiu )
>    4. Re: Quake 1 ( Mihai Dr?ghicioiu )
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 14:11:18 -0700
> From: Forest Hale <lordhavoc at ghdigital.com>
> Subject: Re: [Gtkradiant] Quake 1
> To: GtkRadiant developer discussion
> 	<gtkradiant at zerowing.idsoftware.com>
> Message-ID: <4900E876.7030607 at ghdigital.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Mihai Dr?ghicioiu wrote:
>> YARR! Thank you thank you thank ye!!
>> This will do great!
>> Let me tell u what I'm trying to do.. For a few years I have been
>> disappointed that I wasn't able to get collision detection to work, so
>> now I figured.. well, I'll just learn from someone who already got it
>> right, so why don't I look at the Quake source code, and as long as
>> I'm at it, might as well learn about other quake features which have
>> sounded attractive for quite a while... So now I looked at the quake
>> source, and I've decided to make a small demo: walking through a map,
>> with some opaque and some transparent polygons (i figured out how to
>> quickly sort them back to front too), a skybox, and some other stuff
>> I'll probably add later. I'm also working on a lightmap maker, which
>> supports HDR, so if I could combine that with a quake-ish map format,
>> that should be awesome! HDR lightmaps for everyone! :D
> Did you know Quake1/2/3/Unreal/etc have 7.1bit fixed point lightmaps?  (I.E. their range is 0-2 mapped to 0-255 byte values)
> Not much in the way of HDR, but it's something.
> Regarding collision detection, you might be interested in model_brush.c in the DarkPlaces source code (glquake-derived engine that powers the standalone game Nexuiz and several other projects, besides
> playing Quake1).
> http://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/darkplaces/model_brush.c?view=markup - do a search for TraceBox and you will find the Q1BSP/HLBSP and Q3BSP implementations of collision detection.
> http://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/darkplaces/collision.c?view=markup - this file contains all my brush collision code.  (otherwise known as qhull, or "convex solid")
> You can find more information about the engine at http://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/
>> Now there is another problem: how do I use GtkRadiant with quake 1?
>> let me show u a screenshot of what I get, even though I installed the
>> game files and the radiant Q1Pack, and I set the path:
>> http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/6473/screenshotunnamedmapjl7.png
> Looks like you tried to load gfx.wad which contains only qpic images (hud imagery), you need the quake1.wad from the Q1Pack instead (which contains picmip images - mipmapped textures for maps).
>> Also, when GtkRadiant starts, I get these message boxes:
>> http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/9199/screenshot1sn4.png
>> http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/1016/screenshotsq1.png
> Well that clearly needs to be fixed.
>> I've worked with GTK+ before, and i think all you need to do to avoid
>> them is to set a zero page size for each GtkAdjustment (I haven't
>> counted how many of these boxes appear, they're about 10, probably one
>> for each spin button in GtkRadiant). To get past them, i just press
>> 'no' until they're done.
>> Thanks again,
>> Mihai
> I don't know GTK+ at all, but if you wish to contribute a patch feel free :)

Author of DarkPlaces Quake1 engine and mod
"War does not prove who is right, it proves who is left." - Unknown
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo." - James Klass

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