[Gtkradiant] [linux] GtkRadiant 1.5, install.py, incorrect behaviour?

Forest Hale lordhavoc at ghdigital.com
Fri Jun 6 06:10:52 CDT 2008

I can tell you that you need to checkout some GamePacks from the other repository, see http://zerowing.idsoftware.com and click the svn repositories link, notice there's a gamepacks one, and just 
check out the ones of your choice, note each one has its own trunk so you need to check out each one individually to get the names right, check out each trunk to an appropriately named directory 
(Q3Pack for example) in the games/ directory.

These really ought to be handled with an svn external reference in my opinion (so that anyone checking it out gets them automatically).

But more importantly this really needs to be documented on the main page and the COMPILING guide.

Bernard Helyer wrote:
> Hi,
> On trying to compile GtkRadiant (1.5.0, following the instructions given 
> in the COMPILING fail, I got given a fairly generic can't find game data 
> error (actually the error I was given was no more helpful than a 
> point-blank "File not found", radiant.log gave me more information).
> After some poking around, I discovered that install.py was looking in 
> game/ for Q3Pack/tools and q3.game, neither of which exist when 
> following the given instructions. Have I made a mistake somewhere (no 
> doubt)? I can see no documentation anywhere that tells me what 
> GtkRadiant expects, where. I could go source-diving, but I'm far too 
> lazy for that. Any assistance would be appreciated.
> Bernard.
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