[Gtkradiant] Texture browser bug and feedback

namespace spam at codecreator.net
Wed Mar 28 05:27:18 CDT 2007

Am Mittwoch, 28. März 2007 09:46 schrieb johnfitz at u.washington.edu:
> I've been using the October 6th 2006 build with the new texture browser.
> Second, a bug:  Whenever I select a texture using the texture browser or by 
> clicking on a brush in the 3D view, I get an error.  Here is that error:
Please use the latested build when reporting bugs:

Concerning your feedback:
I agree that the new texturelist reduces the actual screenspace for textures, 
however I never felt that to be annoying. You are the first one who complains 
about that.


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