[Gtkradiant] GTKRadiant Bug Report
noreply at qeradiant.com
Mon Dec 26 22:03:28 CST 2005
This bug report was submitted from using the Bug Report Submission Form on the QERadiant Website at 10:03:28 CST Dec 26, 2005.
CPU/RAM/Operating System: P4 2.8 Ghz /1 G RAM/Windows XP Pro SP2
Hard Drive Space: 10.7 Gb on an 80 Gb HD
Video Card/OpenGL Drivers: RADEON IGP 340M DDR x86 SSE2/1.3.4276 WinXP Release
Version of GTKRadiant: 1.5.0 12/19/2005
Using next or previous leak point functions causes the program to crash.
Cause of Error:
Compile a map with a leak in it, so that the red line appears. Then try to use either of the functions mentioned and the program crashes.
Here is a copy of the radiant.log:
Started logging to C:/Documents and Settings/Michael Barker/Application Data/RadiantSettings/1.5.0/radiant.log
Today is: Mon Dec 26 14:26:32 2005
This is GtkRadiant '1.5.0' compiled Dec 20 2005
Custom SPoG experimental build
saving global preferences to C:/Documents and Settings/Michael Barker/Application Data/RadiantSettings/1.5.0/global.pref
game description file: "q2.game"
archivetypes = "pak"
basegame = "baseq2"
basegamename = "Quake II"
brushtypes = "quake2"
cont1 = "solid"
cont17 = "playerclip"
cont18 = "monsterclip"
cont19 = "current_0"
cont2 = "window"
cont20 = "current_90"
cont21 = "current_180"
cont22 = "current_270"
cont23 = "current_up"
cont24 = "current_down"
cont25 = "origin"
cont26 = "monster"
cont27 = "corpse"
cont28 = "detail"
cont29 = "translucent"
cont3 = "aux"
cont30 = "ladder"
cont4 = "lava"
cont5 = "slime"
cont6 = "water"
cont7 = "mist"
default_scale = "1.0"
engine_linux = "quake2"
engine_macos = "Quake2"
engine_win32 = "quake2.exe"
enginepath_linux = "/usr/local/games/quake2/"
enginepath_macos = "/Applications/Quake2/"
enginepath_win32 = "c:/quake2/"
entities = "quake3"
entityclass = "quake3"
entityclasstype = "def"
maptypes = "mapq2"
modeltypes = "md2"
name = "Quake II"
no_bsp_monitor = "1"
no_patch = "1"
patchtypes = "quake3"
shaders = "quake3"
si_flags = "true"
surf1 = "light"
surf10 = "skip"
surf2 = "slick"
surf3 = "sky"
surf4 = "warp"
surf5 = "trans33"
surf6 = "trans66"
surf7 = "flow"
surf8 = "nodraw"
surf9 = "hint"
texturetypes = "pcx tga wal"
type = "q2"
unknowngamename = "Custom Quake II modification"
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/archivepak.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/archivewad.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/archivezip.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/entityq3.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/imagehl.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/imagepng.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/imageq2.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/imageq3.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/mapq3.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/mapxml.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/modelmd3.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/modelpico.dll'
module already registered: type="model" name="md3"
module already registered: type="model" name="mdc"
module already registered: type="model" name="md2"
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/shadersq3.dll'
Found 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/modules/vfsq3.dll'
loading global preferences from "C:/Documents and Settings/Michael Barker/Application Data/RadiantSettings/1.5.0/global.pref"
qpref import: data version 1.0 is compatible with code version 1.0
loading local preferences from C:/Documents and Settings/Michael Barker/Application Data/RadiantSettings/1.5.0/q2.game/local.pref
qpref import: data version 1.0 is compatible with code version 1.0
Module Initialising: 'radiant' '*'
Module Ready: 'radiant' '*'
Module Initialising: 'VFS' '*'
Module Initialising: 'archive' 'pak'
Module Ready: 'archive' 'pak'
Module Ready: 'VFS' '*'
Module Initialising: 'entity' 'quake3'
Module Initialising: 'qgl' '*'
Module Ready: 'qgl' '*'
Module Initialising: 'undo' '*'
Module Initialising: 'preferences' '*'
Module Ready: 'preferences' '*'
Module Ready: 'undo' '*'
Module Initialising: 'scenegraph' '*'
Module Ready: 'scenegraph' '*'
Module Initialising: 'renderstate' '*'
Module Initialising: 'shaders' 'quake3'
Module Initialising: 'textures' '*'
Module Initialising: 'image' 'pcx'
Module Ready: 'image' 'pcx'
Module Initialising: 'image' 'tga'
Module Ready: 'image' 'tga'
Module Initialising: 'image' 'wal'
Module Ready: 'image' 'wal'
Module Ready: 'textures' '*'
Module Initialising: 'scriptlib' '*'
Module Ready: 'scriptlib' '*'
Module Initialising: 'image' 'bmp'
Module Ready: 'image' 'bmp'
Module Ready: 'shaders' 'quake3'
Module Ready: 'renderstate' '*'
Module Initialising: 'selection' '*'
Module Ready: 'selection' '*'
Module Initialising: 'reference' '*'
Module Initialising: 'filetypes' '*'
Module Ready: 'filetypes' '*'
Module Initialising: 'model' 'md2'
Module Ready: 'model' 'md2'
Module Initialising: 'map' 'mapq2'
Module Initialising: 'brush' 'quake2'
Module Initialising: 'filters' '*'
Module Ready: 'filters' '*'
Module Ready: 'brush' 'quake2'
Module Initialising: 'patch' 'quake3'
Module Ready: 'patch' 'quake3'
Module Initialising: 'eclassmanager' 'quake3'
Module Initialising: 'eclass' 'def'
Module Ready: 'eclass' 'def'
Module Ready: 'eclassmanager' 'quake3'
Module Ready: 'map' 'mapq2'
Module Ready: 'reference' '*'
Module Initialising: 'namespace' '*'
Module Ready: 'namespace' '*'
Module Initialising: 'modelskin' '*'
Module Ready: 'modelskin' '*'
Module Ready: 'entity' 'quake3'
default screen has 1 monitors
monitor 0 geometry: 0, 0, 1024, 768
vfs directory: c:/quake2/baseq2/
pak file: c:/quake2/baseq2/pak2.pak
pak file: c:/quake2/baseq2/pak1.pak
pak file: c:/quake2/baseq2/pak0.pak
filesystem initialised
EntityClass: searching "C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/q2.game/baseq2/" for *.def
ScanFile: C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/q2.game/baseq2/entities.def
loading custom shortcuts list from "C:/Documents and Settings/Michael Barker/Application Data/RadiantSettings/1.5.0/q2.game/shortcuts.ini"
commands import: data version 1.0 is compatible with code version 1.0
parsed 146 custom shortcuts
Processing .xlink file 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/global.xlink'
Processing .xlink file 'C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/q2.game/game.xlink'
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = 32bpp
GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_VERSION: 1.3.4276 WinXP Release
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_t
exture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
Lighting mode requires OpenGL features not supported by your graphics drivers:
Loaded Texture: "C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/bitmaps/notex.bmp"
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
OpenURL: C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/Q3Rad_Manual/index.htm
Loading map from C:/Quake2/baseq2/maps/14test.map
Open file c:/quake2/baseq2/maps/14test.map for read...success
Texture load failed: "textures/"
Loaded Texture: "textures/e1u1/rocks16_2"
map load timer: 0.02 second(s) elapsed
--- LoadMapFile ---
6 primitive
2 entities
Setting up
=== running build command ===
"C:/Program Files/GtkRadiant 1.5.0/q2map" -fs_basepath "c:/quake2/" -connect -bsp "C:/Quake2/baseq2/maps/14test.map"
1 threads
Game: quake2
----- BSP ----
1 threads
0...2...5...7... (0)
Writing C:/Quake2/baseq2/maps/14test.bsp
BSP Time: 0 Seconds
Total Time: 0 Seconds
Connection closed.
assertion failure: ModuleObservers::~ModuleObservers: observers still attached
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
vfsq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 233F
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
vfsq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 3CC
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: ModuleObservers::~ModuleObservers: observers still attached
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
shadersq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 132F
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
shadersq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 21C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
modelmd3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 48C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
mapq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 133C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
imageq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 98C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
imageq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 6BC
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
imageq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 12C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
imageq2!Radiant_RegisterModules() + FC
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
entityq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 1B16C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
entityq3!Radiant_RegisterModules() + 10C
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
assertion failure: module still referenced at shutdown
kernel32!RaiseException() + 52
GtkRadiant!write_stack_trace(outputStream) + 3B c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\stacktrace.cpp line 248
GtkRadiant!PopupDebugMessageHandler::handleMessage() + 20 c:\dev\gtkradiant\radiant\main.cpp line 254
archivepak!Radiant_RegisterModules() + BC
ntdll!LdrInitializeThunk() + 29
ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess() + 142
kernel32!IsValidLocale() + 8EB
kernel32!ExitProcess() + 14
MSVCR71!exit() + 0
MSVCR71!exit() + D
kernel32!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 49
Please report this error to the developers
User Email: barkerm79 at hotmail.com
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