Finger info for

Available archives:
  2024-07-13 04:31:09 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-07-06 23:41:08 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-06-21 01:17:24 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-06-18 16:33:24 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-06-15 02:02:09 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-06-07 20:03:10 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-05-31 16:26:07 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-05-25 02:53:09 -- This is my current worklog
  2024-04-27 03:10:09 -- the final stretch
  2024-04-16 16:20:08 -- put up a sticky not reminding me to check planfile
  2024-02-28 18:48:09 -- * teleporters need to be able to telefrag
  2024-02-21 18:52:10 -- * teleporters need to be able to telefrag
  2024-02-19 17:39:09 -- *teleporters need to be able to telefrag
  2024-01-13 11:42:10 -- * pushed all unstaged code to the invidual games
  2024-01-10 09:49:10 -- * pushed all unstaged code to the invidual games
  2024-01-08 18:42:09 -- * pushed all unstaged code to the invidual games
  2024-01-06 14:16:07 -- FreeDMC work today (Friday
  2024-01-02 18:33:08 -- * hostages need better pathfinding
  2023-09-30 14:54:09 -- FreeCS Sep 29 notes
  2023-09-15 16:12:09 -- Source entity mania #2
  2023-09-12 12:36:08 -- Source entity mania
  2023-07-28 18:00:11 -- pushed lots of changes up
  2023-07-25 05:48:08 -- just a few more days
  2023-06-07 18:00:35 -- today I spent time on op4 ctf
  2023-04-22 15:07:12 -- originally I wanted to stream (ideally with somebody else with me
  2023-03-03 03:06:07 -- told you so
  2023-03-02 02:12:32 -- 2023-03-1 worklog
  2023-02-27 16:54:09 -- 2023-02-27 worklog
  2023-02-17 17:49:02 -- What's in my usr/share/games
  2022-12-03 19:52:21 -- It's been a while since I've tried Steam Chat, so we had a close look
  2022-11-18 01:14:26 -- What else is new
  2022-10-27 02:00:10 -- Security theater round 2
  2022-09-29 15:53:46 -- Stadia is dead
  2022-08-11 12:36:10 -- Saving and restoring battletested
  2022-08-07 02:00:07 -- KDE, Trinity
  2022-07-31 02:00:34 -- PAM + Yubikey
  2022-06-29 02:00:07 -- TW 1.3 has launched!
  2022-05-21 02:02:47 -- No TW playtest today
  2022-05-19 12:17:14 -- The case for pk3 support in Steam GoldSrc
  2022-05-09 02:02:24 -- OpenXR support in Nuclide has landed
  2022-04-23 02:21:12 -- TWTest is over
  2022-04-19 16:07:29 -- Much TWTest progress
  2022-04-18 12:13:19 -- TWTest is officially available now!
  2022-03-19 02:31:03 -- Archival
  2022-03-07 14:23:10 -- Week of crunchyness
  2022-03-03 02:00:41 -- Cleanups
  2022-03-01 02:00:36 -- Cleanups
  2022-02-27 02:00:50 -- Frag-Net updates!
  2022-02-25 02:00:44 -- Dentist ow
  2022-02-23 02:25:22 -- Not a whole lot of work done today
  2022-02-21 21:54:00 -- Gothic DOOM WADs (weekend report
  2022-02-19 02:00:27 -- Some word on the Nintendo eShop closure, work notes
  2022-02-17 02:00:23 -- Duking it
  2022-02-07 16:01:37 -- Monday morning madness
  2022-02-06 14:01:16 -- Slackware 15 weekend
  2022-02-05 13:09:27 -- Crunching out the last stretch of TW 1.
  2022-01-01 19:30:13 -- Looking back at 2021 in Gaming
  2021-11-30 05:40:30 -- Digitizing things
  2021-11-25 16:55:41 -- Some thoughts for the future, 2022
  2021-11-09 20:52:47 -- Who would have thought
  2021-10-24 10:15:40 -- Workworkwrowkrofk
  2021-08-18 03:12:11 -- The usual Indie problems
  2021-08-04 17:43:08 -- AMD 4650GE bugs
  2021-07-20 05:44:10 -- StudioMDL Update for Linux
  2021-07-17 15:30:25 -- Steam Pal? Steam Deck
  2021-07-13 02:17:26 -- light_surface
  2021-07-05 02:39:32 -- New week, new news
  2021-06-27 15:45:13 -- Today sucks
  2021-06-06 07:15:19 -- WorldSpawn updates
  2021-05-21 11:30:02 -- Colormaps
  2021-05-19 04:36:53 -- Some archiving work needs to be done today
  2021-05-17 08:07:56 -- Weapon work.... eughhh
  2021-05-14 18:19:20 -- Lightmaps
  2021-05-12 05:06:36 -- Worklog... 2nd week of May
  2021-05-08 15:16:49 -- Worklog... May 8
  2021-05-07 13:19:27 -- Worklog... May 7
  2021-04-22 16:36:54 -- PSA - RetroBytes on LunarIRC
  2021-04-03 06:11:38 -- WWW and the acceleration of hardware obsolescence
  2020-10-25 16:58:09 -- Quick and dirty URL swaps
  2020-10-14 11:18:18 -- Over 200 TSRP maps preserved
  2020-09-22 16:24:31 -- Xbox Series X
  2020-09-21 06:57:22 -- QuakeC and tokenizebyseparator
  2020-09-08 06:45:33 -- Entity Statistics for idTech/GoldSrc/Source
  2020-08-17 14:14:19 -- Avoid Purism
  2020-07-29 17:18:13 -- FreeCS and Nuclide Beta
  2020-07-23 06:23:21 -- TheC64 - Formatting USB drive under OpenBSD
  2020-06-29 04:04:55 -- The race to convergence
  2020-06-20 20:02:55 -- The biggest mistake on our first game launch
  2020-06-01 07:02:05 -- UNICOMP 122 Keyboard Thoughts
  2020-05-14 14:27:00 -- Health Crisis Update
  2020-03-23 04:31:21 -- Burger-menus, CSD
  2020-03-10 14:46:50 -- Just for the record (VV Discord Shutdown
  2020-03-02 18:27:56 -- Dirty Little Helper 98 Archive Format Secrets
  2020-02-20 17:31:23 -- Phones, please make them StoP
  2020-02-19 05:35:28 -- FreeCS Mailing Lists are a thing now
  2020-02-17 17:41:46 -- FTEQW and ICE at out now for testing
  2020-02-09 08:59:56 -- ICE & QuakeWorld
  2020-01-07 11:00:52 -- Happy 2020
  2019-12-02 21:28:35 -- Propsero VS Scarlett
  2019-08-27 17:00:12 -- Delta
  2019-08-09 14:23:51 -- Quake II playermodels
  2019-08-02 13:50:53 -- Barnard (Go) on OpenBSD
  2019-07-30 18:22:34 -- FreeCS Development Woes
  2019-07-28 19:29:24 -- OpenBSD 6.5 + GNUstep
  2019-07-26 18:49:17 -- Wayland
  2019-07-15 05:06:56 -- Patrick Volkerding reminded me of this quote
  2019-07-12 21:39:12 -- Quake Tools Updated
  2019-06-25 04:53:29 -- OSS4 2019 Notes
  2019-05-24 17:09:49 -- May 2019 Status Update
  2019-04-05 11:17:41 -- I Quit Mastodon
  2019-03-26 06:51:44 -- FreeCS Fever
  2019-02-26 16:55:10 -- OpenBSD + GNUstep Notes
  2019-02-10 02:29:12 -- Public Domain Entertainment/Resources
  2019-02-07 04:05:33 -- Apologies
  2019-01-30 21:19:10 -- Followup: Setting up -current, Vulkan
  2019-01-29 10:31:59 -- Setting up -current, Vulkan
  2019-01-26 17:21:14 -- Dropping D3D in The Wastes, Xbox
  2019-01-25 05:38:02 -- FTEQC Tricks: __fullspawndata
  2019-01-09 16:43:24 -- Cloud Gaming - Thoughts
  2018-12-20 23:17:04 -- The Wastes 1.2 is out
  2018-12-11 15:35:56 -- Steam Controversy
  2018-12-03 16:11:49 -- The whole DragonFly thing
  2018-11-29 05:25:39 -- Back to the X-Box
  2018-11-27 01:54:35 -- Back in Berlin
  2018-11-19 18:23:07 -- Happy 20th Birthday Half-Life
  2018-11-06 15:50:57 -- FTE Engine compile settings for TW
  2018-11-05 03:21:42 -- We're now J.A.C.
  2018-10-29 15:08:53 -- The Wastes 1.2 - Upcoming Changes
  2018-09-29 21:53:14 -- Unity Engine Stuff
  2018-09-05 20:27:01 -- ARM stuff
  2018-09-02 13:01:58 -- TW, FreeCS etc
  2018-08-22 04:52:19 -- Steam Play (Proton, DXVK
  2018-08-09 07:25:57 -- New QuakeC Documentation
  2018-08-07 10:41:42 -- FreeCS' codebase split
  2018-07-28 06:37:25 -- This summer is pain
  2018-07-15 05:47:49 -- TW, FCS, next title
  2018-07-13 02:06:06 -- item_sodacan
  2018-07-07 16:23:21 -- Steam Controller Support Thoughts, SDK Changes
  2018-07-01 20:27:51 -- By-tanders & Tag-alongs
  2018-06-30 08:22:19 -- The importance of self-hosted communications
  2018-06-14 06:49:33 -- Steam Beta
  2018-06-12 14:46:19 -- E3 Thoughts
  2018-06-07 13:26:25 -- Google
  2018-06-06 00:31:50 -- To us raging OpenGL devs on MacOS
  2018-05-23 07:32:21 -- 2018 May Setup (or something
  2018-05-21 23:08:27 -- The Death of QuakeC
  2018-05-20 17:55:42 -- Languages, languages
  2018-05-16 05:42:23 -- Sony killing off physical games for Vita
  2018-05-13 04:51:34 -- The Wastes - Looking Forward
  2018-04-11 07:11:52 -- Who 'loves' their music
  2018-04-06 10:06:18 -- Wow, you're quite a bitter person
  2018-03-31 06:17:13 -- About the RAM problem
  2018-03-28 16:17:11 -- Some notes on Slackware64 (14.
  2018-03-25 04:41:07 -- It'll be ready, soon
  2018-03-21 08:04:53 -- I'm tired
  2018-03-15 01:48:46 -- Slackware Current
  2018-03-10 01:33:38 -- Go Quake tools
  2018-03-07 23:39:14 -- Quake engine ramblings
  2018-02-11 13:50:05 -- Oh god, make it stop
  2018-02-08 10:09:31 -- Post The Wastes, Platforms, Languages
  2018-02-02 15:08:03 -- Toolchains, X11, Qt etc
  2017-12-11 00:33:07 -- Travel Continues
  2017-11-13 19:07:23 -- FreeCS - Unexpected
  2017-10-31 16:35:38 -- The Wastes - Upcoming Events
  2017-10-18 14:14:27 -- KDE 5 Plasma Upgrade & Thoughts
  2017-10-05 11:44:34 -- Political Rant
  2017-09-30 23:16:21 -- Become more portable.
  2017-09-19 21:55:51 -- Become more portable
  2017-09-11 14:13:13 -- Please ban the word 'experiences' from E3, thanks
  2017-08-14 04:08:44 -- I want a Vega workstation
  2017-08-12 12:14:50 -- Tech considerations
  2017-08-11 02:38:50 -- IQM Model Format Extension Info
  2017-02-19 08:28:29 -- Benchmarks
  2016-07-18 09:31:54 -- No particular title
  2016-07-02 09:28:56 -- Qreate Website is now LIVE
  2016-05-10 12:09:25 -- Updated tools and added Win32 binaries
  2016-05-06 12:06:55 -- More tools
  2016-05-02 16:21:11 -- Just setting myself up here

.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
Powered by IcculusFinger v2.1.27
Stick it in the camel and go.