Finger info for

This is my current worklog.
Updated daily and archived by the weekend.
Currently mostly working on Nuclide and connected games.

* = Completed
+ = Completed at later date than specified
- = Cut/discarded at a later date

= 2024-07-12 ===================================
* spending today cleaning up code, too hot to focus on anything deeper.
* new valve class: HLScientist
make GetSpawn*() methods private, make Get*() general interface
get rid of weapon_.txt cache assumption in hl_sprites.qc

I was in Phoenix last week, where it was pretty damn hot
but it was nothing compared to what I'm feeling in
Souther Oregon right now. Makes it really hard
to focus on a whole lot.

Making pizza for the household today.
Mixing it up with the dough a little, there may even
be a hint of nutmeg in there...

Ingredients in order from top to bottom:
Italian Style Cheese
[brushed olive oil]
Pizza dough with a bit of onion powder, nutmeg

= 2024-07-11 ===================================
* fix junk data being written into data/
* fix SZ_GetSpace overflow on certain maps

Ate curry today, so yummy.

= 2024-07-10 ===================================
* impulse 101 now using new APIs to give items/ammo
* scihunt hud unb0rked
* scihunt gamerules overhauled
* fix shdata entity spawning

= 2024-07-09 ===================================
* cvar rename g_developer > g_logLevel
* cvar rename g_developerTimestamps > g_logTimestamps
* cvar rename s_developer > s_logLevel
* add NSDict
* damage routines now working again

= 2024-07-08 ===================================
* unbreak non-decl aware mods
* add ability to filter warning prints that bothered Gethyn

Unbreaking some of the mods required going over and
replacing methods like GetSpawnOrigin() with
GetSpawnVector("origin") and the like, but also
some classes, such as `player`, don't exist anymore
as they're declared within the decl (those are generally
just the entityDef text file definitions now).

This actually enables us to cut out a lot of code.
Every mod had to implement a `player` class, which
when it was a Half-Life mod would require you to
make a dupe of FreeHL's player.qc and maintain that,
which would often result in some games regressing
over others quite easily without devs knowing better.
Now we can actually inherit those properly,
since we define `player` as not a class, but an
entityDef decl in plain text. That decl simply
says it's of "spawnclass" "HLPlayer" or "TFPlayer"
or "CSPlayer" which in turn is a mod-specific class
either inheriting NSClientPlayer or HLPlayer in the
case of a Half-Life mod.

This also meant replacing all references to `player`
within the game-code, which was a lot of work.
That said, all weapon code is now gone too from
the game-specific progs! Mods like Scientist Hunt
are much smaller and easier to maintain as a result.
This has been a massive undertaking and it's still
not quite done, but it will help us manage this
growing complexity wonderfully.
But don't believe my word, you'll see what others
have been up to very soon - and all that without
writing a single line of QC code!

= 2024-07-06 ===================================

I came home yesterday from my vacation (and also moving prep),
and today am just getting set up again.

Before I left, I had pushed my work on Nuclide (the big decl update
for weapons to be scripted) into the `Develop` branch. There was also
quite a bit of a botnet leeching off our bandwidth constantly cloning
the same big repos, over and over - not cool.

Actually impacted SSHFS quite a bit, so I'd encourage going to in the future to clone and refresh our repos,
since we had to make the ones on private.

Next week there'll be a lot of finalising. Some weapons are still
not done, it's mainly about merging fluff related key/value pairs
and streamlining things more to just cut down on the overall decl
scripts themselves.

When this .plan was written: 2024-07-13 04:31:09
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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