Finger info for

This is my current worklog.
Updated daily and archived by the weekend.
Currently mostly working on Nuclide and connected games.

* = Completed
+ = Completed at later date than specified
- = Cut/discarded at a later date

= 2024-06-14 ===================================
* cache weaponDef fireInfo vars (see notes below)
* store copy of the spawndata with each ent
* add methods to read def from spawndata + def within NSIO
NSMonster as weaponDef? or force NSMonster to use weaponDef?

right now we check for fireinfo vars all over some
of the NSWeapon methods, but we should ideally cache all the relevant
keys of a fireInfo decl when the mode changes and then
just read from the cached variables. gotta keep streamlining.

Today is Friday, on which I usually bake pizza
for me and my roommates.

Made the dough as follows:
3 cups all purpose flour
a bit of thyme
a bit of onion powder
1 tbsp active dry yeast
pinch of salt

I then only handled the dough using whole-wheat flour.
Supposedly thyme goes well with garlic and cheesy things.
We like it cheesy, so let's give this dough a try.

One has mozarella cheese, bit of spinach and of course
something meaty on top. Other one is pure cut spinach
with freshly grounded parmesan.

Turned out really good, the parmesan visibly disappeared
but you could still taste it:

= 2024-06-13 ===================================
* networked hints for weapon events (muzzles etc.), and states
* document NSPMoveVars (shared pmove controller)
* dump unused cvars
* document valid cvars in new engine-respected cfg: cvar_defaults.cfg
explore gamerules as plugin?

Today's bread rolls:

2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
active dry yeast

Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl, add 1 and 1/2 cup of warm
water, then add a pinch of salt on top.
Knead til just right, wait to rise. Cut into 8 smaller balls, then
apply melted butter before scoring. 450 F for ~19 minutes.
I also had a bowl of water pre-heating on the lower rack for steam.

= 2024-06-12 ===================================
* NSSoundScape, much cleaner, advanced environment effects
* rid us of client/efx*
* make env_sound server-side only
* improve DSP debug info

A few items for that day, but they're a big deal
in that I cut out a lot of static allocation of
data (the efx stuff is all handled within
one super-class dealing with DSP now,
and no longer caches the various .efx files.
Level designers can also override specific
DSP parameters per DSP-entity which isn't
something either GoldSrc and Source could do.

= 2024-06-11 ===================================
* fix constants init from hitting limit early
* isBot(entity) added
* "bleed" spawnkey for NSSurfacePropEntity
* unbreak bot
* separate nod/nav mesh code
* weapon_gauss makes full use of HLGaussBeam now
* making use of modules in doxygen now, very fancy

= 2024-06-10 ===================================
* remove NSTraceAttack
* NSProjectile handles hitscans now ("is_bullet" "1")
* NSProjectile new keys: "hitscans", "decal_impact"
* weapon_9mmAR now has _mp variant working
* weapon_shotgun now has _mp variant working
* weapon_tripmine uses def_plant
* class monster_tripmine > HLTripmine
* fix bodygroup override not set on NSWeapon pickup
* fix AttackByDef projectile owner
* make more use of NSEntity's new GetEyePos() and GetViewAngle()
* add "debris_stick" to NSProjectile, for arrows/bolts in walls
* add "debris_offset" to NSProjectile, to fine-tune the end position.
* ammo_max def now respected globally
* rewised weapon pickup, to handle weapons without a clip better
* add powerAmmo to NSWeapon
* HLGaussBeam implemented
* add actReloadStart and actReloadEnd to NSWeapon (shotgun style)

When this .plan was written: 2024-06-15 02:02:09
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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