Finger info for

This is my current worklog.
Updated daily and archived by the weekend.
Currently mostly working on Nuclide and connected games.

* = Completed
+ = Completed at later date than specified
- = Cut/discarded at a later date

= may 31 ===================================
add c4 planting in def form
unbreak CS bot

= may 30 ===================================
* font size sanity checks in client
* src/platform now handles common commands
* makefile now builds win64gl properly
* more shared functions between client/server/plugins

= may 29 ===================================
* all damage functions have been replaced
* add ap_userID command to platform

Also new Nuclide command: ap_userID
Will set certain infokeys for the local client
according to your ActivityPub id.

Note from erysdren regarding terrain builtins:

<erysdren> TEREDIT_* constants are marked as CSQC only, but spoike
says they're also available in SSQC
<erysdren> the terrain_edit() function has a broken prototype
<erysdren> it should be `__variant terrain_edit(int action, ...);`
but instead there's extra "optional" variables which break stuff
being passed to it, if it's not the same type as the optional

= may 28 ===================================

shopping day everyone.

= may 27 ===================================
* Damage funcs need to take weapon def as argument (look at GSC?)
* new weapon helper functions
* new damage helping functions
add c4 planting in def form
unbreak CS bot

Was a busy end of the week, but today I'll be working on ripping
out all the non-error-reporting bits of Nuclide that assume we're
passing a Weapon-ID (the enum that matched the old weapon_t based
system) and replace it with an entityDef classname. Will be a lot
of repetitive work.

When removing all consistent parts of information about
an attack (damage points, flags etc.) we have just about
enough parameters to the new entity damage function.
This matters because QuakeC has a limit of 8 parameters:

void entityDamage(entity targetEnt, entity inflictingEnt, entity
attackingEnt, string damageDef, string weaponDef, vector damageOrigin,
vector damageDir, vector hitLocation)

As of 10:33 PM the `valve` game dir src compiles without
any hiccups. Now to test...!

So far everything is working. I will continue tomorrow.

When this .plan was written: 2024-05-31 16:26:07
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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