Finger info for

This is my current worklog.
Updated daily and archived by the weekend.
Currently mostly working on Nuclide and connected games.

* = Completed
+ = Completed at later date than specified
- = Cut/discarded at a later date

= may 24 ===================================
* grenades for smoke and flash need defs
add c4 planting in def form
unbreak CS bot

= may 23 ===================================
* document the particle system blend modes in FTE for a fellow user
* client game will no longer reload the console font, only menu will
* documented `bemode` in docs, as it wasn't before
* give nav/routing proper api
* apply staging wordfilter code to ftemaster
+ grenades for smoke and flash need defs
add c4 planting in def form
unbreak CS bot

Had to help some mates on the way to their trip
today, but I got back into office at 12:15.

Today the new word filter on Frag-Net went live.
Players of a certain game get quite cocky
tried to work around my primitive word filter.
I generally don't pay attention to such strings,
but it makes some people uncomfortable and therefore
we should do better. I noticed other community-run
master software might benefit from this too and hopefully
our solution will be good enough for them to merge.

As for the nav/routing overhaul, there were two separate
systems in place (nodes.qc and the wav*.qc stuff for bots)
that had so much duplicate code going on it wasn't even
funny. It's because the components were once developed
in isolation and there was little time to clean it up.
Considering multiple people expressed the desire for there
to be a real API so that game bots can take more advantage
of the information in memory I justified to put some time
aside to make it nicer. I had promised something on that
front about a month or two ago to CYBERDEViL but it got
out-prioritized by more important things that needed

= may 22 ===================================
* removing all references to the old Weapon_ functions
* fixed rogue readcmd in scripted_sequence
* NSNavAI can now strip its own inventory of either weapons or items
* moved shared menu progs commands into platform/cmd.{h,qc}
* rid platform directory dependency in FreeHL (we started overriding
most things anyway)
* document HLWeapon class

Still need to go back and throw out the old APIs for casting
traces and similar shenanigans. There's going to be better
support for multiprogs (plugins, map progs) interacting
with the rest of the game. I am taking some inspiration
from what the Call of Duty developers did with their .gsc
scripting setup and API. The community has also done a good
job and documenting it so it was easy to see what was going on
in terms of design philosophy.

= may 21 ===================================
* FreeCS weapons all entityDef, all fire
* update sound def names to mirror cs:s
* iterate over entire def inherit chain to precache items
* fix weapon specific mode set
* entitydef id's now networked as shorts
+ grenades for smoke and flash need defs
add c4 planting in def form

= may 20 ===================================
* rip out weapon/ammo code from FreeCS
* gamerules now give items to players via entitydef
* prepare CSWeapon class
+ give nav/routing proper api
+ apply staging wordfilter code to ftemaster

When this .plan was written: 2024-05-25 02:53:09
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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