Finger info for

the final stretch

towards the big update to Nuclide being pushed out
that tackles oh so many things that needed improving.

there's also a new build system now.
you will be able to build custom-branded engines right
from the start. the mess of separate build scripts is gone
entirely. it worked well for a while, before I knew exactly
what everyone wanted.

it's going to be a big change that will break a lot of
setups if you're not paying attention.

run down of the breaky changes:
1. weapon_t based weapon system will be retired. that code was old and needed streamlining.
2. pmove is now handled a lot differently. you can control most aspects via pm_ cvars ala id Tech 4. you can still override the physics methods though.
3. player class is now entity def based. make sure that you define it. change the spawnclass from NSClientPlayer to that of yours (but don't name the internal code class 'player')
4. players are now based off bots. some things had to be shifted around for the entityDef based players to work. this will also allow players to temporarily become bots. this is a good design change overall but may break some lazy/antiquated checks.

ai/pmove/weapons need to play well together and all their APIs needed updating. there were a few chicken-egg situations going on and I was forced to just tackle some issues right then and there. changes from now on should be isolated though because from that point onwards the objects ought to be boxed better, and use newer APIs that should be less prone to breaking.

When this .plan was written: 2024-04-27 03:10:09
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