Finger info for

* teleporters need to be able to telefrag
* glowshell on viewmodels have wrong colors
* intermission needs to kick in to new clients as well
* dmc super shotgun viewmodel no longer screws up
* dmc power up sounds fixed

game-specific todo:

FreeDMC work this week:
server needs trail/particle files
testserver is not loading all player models?

FreeCS work this week:
kicked players need to drop their items (bomb) at the right location!
dropped items seem to respawn (they should get deleted) at 0 0 0
ensure rate setting is sensible
timer should (visually) change to countdown timer?
VIP does not have the right model set!
doors in es_jail busted
convert more sounds to soundDef
mounted guns need better exit state
csprogs.dat will not be dowloaded from dlcache. Spoike pls fix

When this .plan was written: 2024-02-21 18:52:10
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
Powered by IcculusFinger v2.1.27
Stick it in the camel and go.