Finger info for

pushed lots of changes up

a bit prematurely, but it's too late now.
that's what happens when you forget that 'git branch foo'
will now automatically switch to branch 'foo'.

i am pretty comfortable in my basic git usage but
even i mess up at times!

there's just a lot going on, so I will keep socializing
to a bit of a minimum today and tomorrow and will
just crunch through the issues whenever i find the time.

here's what's going on:

loooooots of code was gutted out, no functionality should be
lost. it's all in the external entity definition format (you
can find those under the 'def/' directory in each and every
game that's been updated. monsters, items, and lots of weapon
behaviour can be handled there.

this standardization on the edef interface from doom 3 will
avoid me jumping into more of the game specific src trees
when APIs and internals change. a nice byproduct is also that
you can get a lot of work done not writing any QC at all
which lowers the barrier of entry quite a bit.

now, back to work.

When this .plan was written: 2023-07-28 18:00:11
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