Finger info for

2023-02-27 worklog

working on renders for the tw site

bcg1, done
boltrifle, done
cattleprod, done
deagle, done
duster, done,
enforcer, done
flamethrower, done
frag, done
handcannon, done
jackhammer, done
katana, done
m16, done
machete, done
model11, done
molotov, done
mossberg, done
pipebomb, done
rcbombcar, done
ruger, done
sawedoff, done
seagull, done
sledgehammer, done
slugger, done
smg9, done
spear, done
sten, done
throwingknife, done
tommygun, done
winchester, done

~~now time to rework the models for
beretta and slugger, as those have
errors apparently.~~

time to re-render the above, but with
the view-models on a side profile.

bcg1, done
beretta, done
deagle, done
dusters, done
enforcer, done
flamer, done
katana, done
m16, done
machete, done
model11, done
rcbombcar, done
seagull, done
throwing knife, done

done with the renders, so now the tw
site has better chances of going up

max has done some previews and it's looking real good. supposedly we only
need to put together a gallery page.

When this .plan was written: 2023-02-27 16:54:09
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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