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Saving and restoring battletested

Nuclide is now the first Quake project that handles
entity saving and loading purely in QuakeC.
I completed the rest of the entity work required yesterday
and it works quite well. There's some edge cases where some
game specific entities aren't covered yet but the really
complicated entities, like monsters with pathfinding etc.
being continued work as they should.

I figured I would be clever by not saving anything '0' or "" into
the fields to disk, but there's a number of reasons why that did
not work out. FTE loads the map as is, with its original data
when loading a savegame plus additional entities and so we have
to basically make sure every field is taken care of and not some
default being carried over into a loaded savegame.

So now, just for simplicity's sake I basically dump everything I know about
regarding entity their fields. This avoids A LOT of weird edge cases
I've first spend time whack-a-moling. Yes our save games for maps
like c1a3 (Half-Life) are now over a megabyte larger - but
that's just the raw data doing the work making sure you don't falsely
represent a savegame. I wish it was better and maybe there'll be a quick way
to basically null out all the class member attributes.

Considering that all the really big, convoluted Half-Life maps work
I am pretty content that this will work out okay.
I still have to go ahead and re-fit some other advanced subsystems like
the env_global stuff into it. So that's what I will do maybe today.

There's also pressure on me for new stable binaries. I am trying
to get that out, that's what all this is for.

TODO for when I get around to them
Nuclide/FreeHL game tat:
- Gunman weapons still need more work!
- Team Fortress support is laughable in the weapons department, core ents
  needs more testing (2fort works perfectly last time I tried)
- Poke646 is practically on halt until the other two are done

Counter-Strike still has animation oddities I need to look at with Spoike.
It's related to how we compose the animation blends in-engine. The basebone
field manipulation crap kinda sucks. You shoot a gun while crouch and your legs
which are _NOT_ supposed to move, bob back and forth. What's going on there?

When this .plan was written: 2022-08-11 12:36:10
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