Finger info for

TWTest is over!

This week was quite a crunch.

We released 5 versions of TWTest, throughout each day of the week
Stress tested the ICE networking capabilities - which maxed out at 8 players.
Found many issues to log and to go over.

So here's the plan:

Next week, the 'beta1.3' branch on Steam will be converted to the full version.
TWTest is done - it will no longer be updated.
A new demo/shareware will be available once 1.3 officially launches.

What did we learn?
Just like internally, there's a few things no one can agree on regarding some game-play changes.
There's others however where most people unanimously agree:

- Flamethrower isn't quite hefty enough and doesn't warrant seeking out right now. Needs buff or something else.
- Shotguns, which initially were too OP are now underpowered and in the case of the Machtberg - useless. Winchester still too OP. Sawedoffs too OP.
- Invasion needs a lot of work in dynamically adjusting difficulty and wave counts.

Also NVIDIA users having issues, once again - probably my GLSL dialect causing issues in their pedantic compiler. *sigh*

I am going to take a break this weekend from TW stuff. Expect some CS commits, maybe.

TODO for when I get around to them
Nuclide/FreeHL game tat:
- Gunman weapons still need more work!
- Team Fortress support is laughable in the weapons department, core ents
  needs more testing (2fort works perfectly last time I tried)
- Poke646 is practically on halt until the other two are done

Counter-Strike still has animation oddities I need to look at with Spoike.
It's related to how we compose the animation blends in-engine. The basebone
field manipulation crap kinda sucks. You shoot a gun while crouch and your legs
which are _NOT_ supposed to move, bob back and forth. What's going on there?

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2022-04-23 02:21:12
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