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Much TWTest progress!

Today I'll be investigating more mission mode specific issues while Spike irons out the critical engine glitches.

Here's what we've been up to since releasing TWTest:

------------------------------> Since R2

* spectating dead players is no longer a thing. spectating as a whole is a bit more polished
* in Invasion you'd occasionally get shot into orbit when getting a duplicate item, that has been fixed
* added sv_friendlyFire, which defaults to 0
* team overlay now properly visible in all team modes, including Invasion
* bots now properly queue in Team Anarchy when bots are set via the main menu
* disconnecting a game of Invasion will no longer soft-lock the match
* fixed wrong caliber hud description for the Rogue Snapper and Dawn Hawk (akimbo mode)
* fixed being able to spawn the RC Bomb Car inside a wall
* fixed RC Bomb Car kills not being reported properly
* friendly fire is now being properly accounted for in scoring

------------------------------> Since R1

You MUST delete all previous versions of TWTEST for the game to run properly!

* fixed Windows NT users from crashing upon anyone joining their Frag-Net session
* fixed NPCs not appearing to be on fire
* removed Loonies throwing machetes that players can pick up, the network
  impact was too big for that to work
* recompiled tw_dune, tw_grime, tw_finale and tw_plague to contain better AI collision
* fixed not being able to select bots when creating a Team Anarchy game
* making sure to always start a server with the sv_public 2 setting
* RC Bomb Car will now disappear a second after detonating, so you can see the impact
* Disable port setting in the multiplayer menu, it's sv_public 2 only from here and those don't need ports forwarded
* Machete and spear pickups that were thrown by players will no longer respawn at 0 0 0

------------------------------> Since initial release

* fixed Invasion from not working properly. this was a last-minute bug because we cut
  support for Vehicular Carnage from the menu screen
* fixed a crash when killing any of the Loonies in non-mission modes
* fixed the flamethrower sound from endlessly looping when you died and were still firing

That's the changelog for now.... it'll grow to be quite large for sure.

TODO for when I get around to them
Nuclide/FreeHL game tat:
- Gunman weapons still need more work!
- Team Fortress support is laughable in the weapons department, core ents
  needs more testing (2fort works perfectly last time I tried)
- Poke646 is practically on halt until the other two are done

Counter-Strike still has animation oddities I need to look at with Spoike.
It's related to how we compose the animation blends in-engine. The basebone
field manipulation crap kinda sucks. You shoot a gun while crouch and your legs
which are _NOT_ supposed to move, bob back and forth. What's going on there?

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2022-04-19 16:07:29
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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