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Gothic DOOM WADs (weekend report)

I was playing some DOOM WAD files this weekend, and I either cannot find
a whole lot of Gothic themed WADs (and wadarchive doesn't allow searching
by theme)

but nonetheless, I found some cool ones:

CRUSADES (1999) - for Ultimate Doom
BEHEMOTH (2017) - for Doom II
SUNLUST (2015) - for Doom II
SUNDER (2009) - for Doom II

SUNDER is very weird because it has no regard for progression at all it feels.
It just throws dozens of enemies at you at a time.
You immediately get confronted by Hell Knights and Archviles, while trying to
dodge Revanant rockets.

I am not tuned into the community, but the enemy placement is very out of place
with the geometry's level of quality. I'll give it more of a chance to see
if it grows on me but for the time being I'll play some other WAD files.

Behemoth is _very_ cool.

TODO List for 22. February 2022
- Vehicle physics fix for when no driver is inserted
- Test the new ::EvaluateEntity() optimisation
- Get the rest of Vehicular Carnage done
- Fix timers in Team Chaos
- Fix regular TDM mode, which seems broken right now

TODO for when I get around to them
Nuclide/FreeHL game tat:
- Gunman weapons need A LOT of work
- Team Fortress support is laughable in the weapons department, core ents
  needs more testing (2fort works perfectly last time I tried)
- Poke646 is practically on halt until the other two are done
- They Hunger relies on mostly Half-Life entity crap, weapons are all
  done as far as I'm told

Counter-Strike still has animation oddities I need to look at with Spoike.
It's related to how we compose the animation blends in-engine. The basebone
field manipulation crap kinda sucks. You shoot a gun while crouch and your legs
which are _NOT_ supposed to move, bob back and forth. What's going on there?

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2022-02-21 21:54:00
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