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Looking back at 2021 in Gaming

Since it's come up on news sites, let me express my perspective of
last year. I got an Xbox Series X back in 2020 the day it came out -
that has been a good decision. Game Pass makes me spend less money on
AAA games I am interested in and I get things I want to keep permanently
on PC with Steam.

My brother bought a PS5, so this year he's been enjoying... very little.
The one title that came out for that platform that was exclusive seemed to be
the new Ratchet & Clank game - which looks incredible. Sadly they do not seem
to have the library right now. It'd be neat for Gran Turismo to have a strong
return - but I am not sure it can compete with the launch of Forza Horizon 5
which seemed to have broken all sorts of records.

Switch I did not pay any attention to. I don't have a Switch, but I like the
form factor enough to be excited for the Steam Deck.

As far as platforms go, the backwards compat initiative of Xbox and Steam
allowing me to keep my library going forward is the deal breaker for me.

That's why Nintendo's and Sony's offerings currently seem very much
uninteresting. I hope that changes because I really liked what Sony did
with support as far as the PS2 and (initially) PS3 concerned.
It seems that time is over, however.

May 2022 give us some more competition in the HW space.
I have yet to upgrade my ThinkCentre's RAM... gotta wait til prices drop!

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2022-01-01 19:30:13
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