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Some thoughts for the future, 2022

I'll be getting married in January.
So a lot of things have been on my mind and I'd like to write about them.

I hope that after the pandemic is 'over', whenever that is, that there will be
a boom in outside businesses. People need escapism more than ever - I want to
see those arcades, playgrounds and fairs boom again.

Forums needs to come back - I think splitting discourse over multiple boards
and across multiple services is, genuinely, a good idea.

I don't need to be getting notifications for inside3d when I want to talk
to my close friends.
I don't need to be getting call requests from people who want to screen share
their bugs in my software while I'm trying to cool off.

Having everything in one platform, one service, for some 'feeling' of
convenience is not that great. There are many downsides to that approach.

Besides, in terms of security it's much better. The attack area widens, so if
somehow the funny chat platform gets hacked it won't affect your god damn
existence. People can get hacked and impersonated. Social engineering is one
of the main ways how peoples information gets stolen.
Attackers knows this and will predominantly target platforms like Discord for
that reason alone - people link it to _everything_. The security sucks and it
is extremely easy to take advantage of compromised accounts.

Give forums a chance.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2021-11-25 16:55:41
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