Finger info for


So much work todo.
I've written a large chunk of the save system in Nuclide this week; it had
to be done because the pointer arrangement changes every time the QC modules
change. So I added a system that dumps and parses the save data out in
strings which we map inside each class to their respective members.
Additionally I'd like mods to be able to dump as much extra data as they
wish. The save game system could also be used to write into a temporary handle
for level transitions even - but we're not there yet.

Other things:
I've been rocking GNUstep again. KDE is nice and it keeps getting better, I do
however need less overhead while retaining a lot of the convenience/power
features that I am used to. I made a frontend to KDE-Connect (check for in the usual places) as well as taken over maintainership over
a frontend to MPlayer. I'd like to extend it so that it will also be able to
link against mpv but I cannot give a timeframe yet. It works fine for me right

For the end of the year I want to get new stable binaries out for most of
the games that run on Nuclide. Obviously The Wastes' last major patch will
release. Serious work needs to be done on Gunman however.
There's massive potential in it running in the browser, live on gunmanchronicles
old website (which we now own). It'll be great. I haven't touched it in ages

Anyway, as I am writing this I am packing for a train ride to Frankfurt.
There I will be attending a visa interview, I hope all goes well.

-- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2021-10-24 10:15:40
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