Finger info for

StudioMDL Update for Linux

Update at 11:42 AM:
Just did a 64-bit version.
I went in and type checked everything, because I don't know if anything broke
or whatever I have uploaded them under seperate tarballs:
Happy compiling!


Suparsonik wanted a native port of DoomMusic's StudioMDL updates to Linux,
so I did a port:

32-bit binaries, _complete_ source-code and small readme above.

Issue make inside the utils dir and it'll output a studiomdl.bin.
Some .qc files use the wrong slashes for paths (\ instead of /), so if it
can't find an .smd it'll still be because of that. Maybe I'll update it to
work around it - however I would like this get used and tested more first
before I commit to updating this tool which may only have a userbase of 1.

The tool has some interesting updates, such as supporting flagging of material
types for textures (e.g. fullbright, additive, chrome, etc.) as well as fixing
non power of 2 textures automatically.

I tested this with a complex shock trooper model, so it *should* work with just
about anything.

Haven't really ported anything in a while, this was a small job though.

- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2021-07-20 05:44:10
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