Finger info for

New week, new news

So over the weekend a few things happened, but first I want to highlight
the new section "Reflections" over at!

Where my dear friend Xylemon wrote the first in a series of so-called
reflections on some of the mods we played over the past 20 odd years.
They are the reason we archive them, they are the reason we are who we are

Other than that: Audacity. Yikes, what is Muse groups thinking that they can
just get a bunch of lawyers to crap over the GPL? We'll see how that develops,
as of Monday morning nothing has happened yet.

LambdaGeneration launched. I think this is ultimately very neat, a modern
platform that most likely, unlike moddb, got their shit together.
Moddb has become a place of bigotry with literal white nationalist groups
parading around; uploading disturbing images the admins do not care to remove.
When confronted, they acted like "what images?" on us. What the fuck.

Anyway, new start of a week, more time to get stuff done.
I hope to hear back from the consulate in Frankfurt soon, I've been waiting for
over a week for the receipt of my payment... is this normal? Please tell me this
is normal.

- Marco

When this .plan was written: 2021-07-05 02:39:32
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