Finger info for

WorldSpawn updates

For the past 3-4 days I was working on WorldSpawn, which is the name for
our fork of Radiant. We forked off NetRadiant in 2018 out of desparation and
necessity. I cannot stress that enough.
There's a lot of reasons why one might fork Radiant, but I highly discourage it.

It's a big convuluted codebase. Every fork has its own choice of build system
(which I changed back to plain Makefiles) and its own bugs and issues.
NetRadiant, having forked off an old GtkRadiant, comes with plenty of bugs
that had been squashed in GtkRadiant over a decade ago. Some were so fatal they
corrupted the entity data silently of the map we were working on.

This all is something nobody wants to deal with. This is a situation where
you probably don't want your work eaten by a fork that is poorly maintained
by yourself or a disinterested third party. So I encourage everyone, if you
want to map for existing games and not your own where you may need heavily
specific and custom features, to use an existing Radiant fork and contribute
to that one.

That said, our Radiant fork breaks conventions and compatibility.
It was never meant to be a general purpose editor.

Some things I added in the past few days is things like allowing duplicate
entity attributes. These are needed for Source Engine styled Input/Output system
callback triggers and functions.
It's highly unlikely another Radiant fork will add that in, because it's not
desired in other idTech engines to have dupe-keys.

Either way, you can check it out on SourceForge (worldspawn) or GitHub at if you're morbidly curious.

When this .plan was written: 2021-06-06 07:15:19
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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