Finger info for

Some archiving work needs to be done today

Today I'm busy going through and archiving the patches for Half-Life, Opposing
Force and Counter-Strike (!) today. Nobody has seen a patch file for CS 1.2 for
years. It was only ever released for retail versions of Counter-Strike.
The changelog is pretty small, does however list some interesting changes.

Other than that, I tried creating an accumulative patch timeline for Half-Life,
however that is going to be tricky. Several upgrade paths are missing.
For example, to go to version you can only seemingly upgrade from
the release version - not any of the 7 patches in between - however those can
upgrade freely to the later ones. WEIRD.

So in order to preserve the timeline, I have to upgrade an old release dir,
THEN create a diff between and the patched to create an imprint
of the changes that would have occured between and

Anyway, it'll be very important to catalogue the changes of this very important

With Opposing Force it gets messier. Some patches were standalone.
Some patches were bundled with Half-Life's updates.
So now I have to do some crazy triangulation of sorts. My life.

Nuclide TODO (haven't touched this since Saturday):

+ surface inspector needs a way to adjust lightmap scale on a per-surface level
  (we can control that of a whole brush by turning them into a func_group and
  adding a _lightmapscale key containing a normalized value, but that's not
  the same. we're working towards a _better_ UX and Source did it right the
  first time)
+ revisit prop_static support, try to move that into the compiler again because
  that'll get us a small performance improvement by not handling them in CSQC
  for that we have to implement some rendermode options into vmap
+ look into .ktx cubemap generation, that is currently bugged
+ look at .ktx2 implementation Spike has been hacking on
+ go over The Wastes' weapons, they'll be able to get tackled now that we have
  weights in
+ VGUI needs a scenegraph still, get the editor running in 1.3 again

* = done; + = to be done; - means postponed

When this .plan was written: 2021-05-19 04:36:53
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