Finger info for


While David is working away on getting all the model lighting and collision
in Source BSP sorted I have been sitting down and looking at how we can improve
vmap, our own q3map2 based compiling tool.

+ surface inspector needs a way to adjust lightmap scale on a per-surface level
  (we can control that of a whole brush by turning them into a func_group and
  adding a _lightmapscale key containing a normalized value, but that's not
  the same. we're working towards a _better_ UX and Source did it right the
  first time)
+ revisit prop_static support, try to move that into the compiler again because
  that'll get us a small performance improvement by not handling them in CSQC
  for that we have to implement some rendermode options into vmap
+ look into .ktx cubemap generation, that is currently bugged
+ look at .ktx2 implementation Spike has been hacking on
+ go over The Wastes' weapons, they'll be able to get tackled now that we have
  weights in
+ VGUI needs a scenegraph still, get the editor running in 1.3 again

* = done; + = to be done; - means postponed

When this .plan was written: 2021-05-14 18:19:20
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