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Worklog... May 8

we've been going through the archives again. saved a furby from battery acid.
tomorrow will be dedicated to working on my NVC documentation.
don't expect any commits tomorrow unless it's REALLY important.


* replace all the hardcoded int foo; int foo_net; definitions with macros in the prediction
* add gameinfo_steambg, so mods we support that were designed for Steam will display properly
* clean up most weapon sources for the hardened prediction logic
+ create download manifests for hhdeath, hoe and the other newly archived mods
- kleiner lab refract shaders? check if they work at all
  FTE's $refraction base is buggy and goes black when more than 1 is visible
- grep for any generic shaders we're missing in hl2/cstrike

* = done; + = to be done; - means postponed

When this .plan was written: 2021-05-08 15:16:49
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