Finger info for

Worklog... May 7

Got important documentation yesterday from the NVC in the US.
Lots of things to plan for these coming weeks.
Mind is full of thoughts.


* add explicit typedefs for damage/body/spectator types and modes
* fix up lots of warnings across the main SDK
* handle openal efx shutdown gracefully
* plugins now support in-line comments in the config
* plugins will now cleanly load from the plugins subdir inside a game dir
* cleaned up hhdeath code and precaches
* tfc compiles... again
* rewolf and hunger now use the new animation system, same with poke646
* make vmt_unlit the default for HL2 VMTs that we can't wrap yet
* fix vmt_vertexlit not supporting alpha masks
  (was never broken? David must have seen something else)
* look into vmts that act as rendertagets, e.g. trainstation01
  we're now loading the materials proper, but entity work needs to be completed
- kleiner lab refract shaders? check if they work at all
  FTE's $refraction base is buggy and goes black when more than 1 is visible
- grep for any generic shaders we're missing in hl2/cstrike

* = done; + = to be done; - means postponed

When this .plan was written: 2021-05-07 13:19:27
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